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training consultants
Monday 17th February 2025

training is our business

our profile
find out about the people behind maltway.
awards and articles
Proud to be celebrating 17 years designing and developing training solutions
Maltway in parternship with LB of Lambeth, National Training Awards 2005 Winners
credit training
this article first appeared in the July 2005 issue of Credit Management, journal of the Institite of Credit Management, and is reproduced with their permission
what's new?
IPSAS training
maltway are proud to support IASeminars in delivering a range of IPSAS related courses. For a full listing see IASeminars (opens web site in new window)
training the job
how to meet the development needs of finance people? See our case study
IFRS training
is your business prepared for the implementation of IFRS?. Our training in IFRS ranges from boardroom briefings to the application of specific standards. See our new page with a comprehensive range of course outlines

Maltway specialises in training consultancy, in-house training in business processes and financial management and leadership development. We are UK based with international reach and have many years of experience in providing high quality training and HR solutions.

Our training experience, together with our practitioners' experience of business and financial management, provides a powerful combination: credibility with the HR community, finance and other key areas of the business. We understand the issues and the languages of all groups and will apply our skills to create truly effective solutions for you.

We will make a difference to your organisation by identifying clear business needs and delivering training solutions that meet those needs and actually improve performance.

It sounds straightforward - and it is! We will provide you with effective, enjoyable training that gives great value for money (we are so confident of this that we will happily discuss performance related fee structures with you).

Explore our website to find out more about our training consultancy, management development and finance training services and through our case studies learn how Maltway can help your business to create successful change.

five reasons why you should consider using Maltway for your training

1. Credibility with Your Business - we understand training, we understand business and we understand finance. This powerful combination produces dynamic, effective and enjoyable training solutions.

2. Performance Improvement - our solutions are driven by business outputs, not just training inputs. Our practical approach to applying the knowledge and skills gained in training ensures that participants are able to improve performance in the workplace.

3. Depth of Experience - our core team has more than 30 years of training experience and 45 years of practical business experience between them. Add to that our extensive network of associates and we are confident that we will be able to develop excellent training that fully meets your unique needs.

4. Range of Experience - from shop floor to directors, from marketers to lawyers, from accounts clerks to housing officers, from traders to auditors, we have worked with people from right across the organisation. From investment banks to local authorities, from global energy companies to advertising agencies, from drinks companies to housing associations, our industry experience is just as wide.

5. Outstanding Value for Money - we will give you real "big firm" quality and experience, at a highly competitive price Our service is personal and tailored to your needs and we are happy to discuss innovative and performance-based fees with you.

© 2001, Maltway Limited Maltway Limited - Registered in England and Wales 4190888 - Registered office: 294 Lordship Lane London SE22 8LY - email:
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