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training consultants
Monday 17th February 2025
consulting services

consulting services

how we can help
examples of services

how we can help

We provide consulting services and resources that complement our training services and utilise our fields of expertise. We can help you by assisting in the management of projects, conducting research, preparing position papers, writing policies, conducting assessments and developing toolkits.

We can work within your project team as a project manager, workstream leader or team member or we can independently provide these services to you.

examples of services

  1. Change management - development of strategy, development of communication plans, user roles
  2. Conduct and assessment of personality profiles
  3. Researching best practices in selection of accounting policies
  4. Development and documentation of accounting policies and procedures
  5. Drafting of financial statement disclosures
  6. Assist in drafting business plans
  7. Assist in preparing financial plans and budgets


We have access to a wide network of highly experienced consultants with backgrounds in change management, management development, training management, project management, financial reporting, accounting and advisory services.

© 2001, Maltway Limited Maltway Limited - Registered in England and Wales 4190888 - Registered office: 294 Lordship Lane London SE22 8LY - email:
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